Title Author Publication Date Activity Start Date End Date
Spider Boy: A Scenario for a Moving Picture Carl Van Vechten 1928 - Nov 7, 1929 -
The Tree of Life John Gould Fletcher 1918 - Nov 7, 1929 -
Irradiations, Sand and Spray John Gould Fletcher 1915 - Nov 7, 1929 -
Goblins and Pagodas John Gould Fletcher 1916 - Nov 7, 1929 -
Parables John Gould Fletcher 1925 - Nov 7, 1929 Nov 16, 1929
Familiar Letters on Important Occasions Samuel Richardson 1741 - Nov 7, 1929 Nov 16, 1929
Breakers and Granite John Gould Fletcher 1921 - Nov 7, 1929 Nov 16, 1929