Title Author Publication Date Activity Start Date End Date
Hound & Horn
Vol. 7, no. 3, Apr – Jun 1934
- - Borrow Jul 17, 1935 Aug 3, 1935
Henry James: Man and Author Pelham Edgar 1925 Borrow Aug 3, 1935 Aug 23, 1935
William Cowper Hugh I'Anson Fausset 1928 Borrow Aug 5, 1935 Aug 24, 1935
The Art of the Novel: Critical Prefaces Henry James 1934 Borrow Aug 23, 1935 Sep 10, 1935
The Life and Times of Laurence Sterne Wilbur Lucius Cross 1909 Borrow Sep 11, 1935 Oct 31, 1935
Marlowe and His Circle Frederick S. Boas 1929 Borrow Nov 5, 1935 Nov 25, 1935
The Story of Elizabethan Drama G. B. Harrison 1924 Borrow Nov 5, 1935 Nov 25, 1935
The Tempest William Shakespeare - Borrow Nov 5, 1935 Nov 25, 1935
The Shakespearean Tempest G. Wilson Knight 1932 Borrow Nov 25, 1935 Dec 5, 1935
Marlowe and His Poetry John Henry Ingram 1914 Borrow Dec 11, 1935 -
The Life of Marlowe and The Tragedy of Dido, Queen of Carthage C. F. Tucker Brooke 1930 Borrow Dec 11, 1935 Dec 31, 1935
On the Poems of Henry Vaughan Edmund Blunden 1926 Borrow Dec 30, 1935 -
The Metaphysical Poets: Donne, Herbert, Vaughan, Traherne James Blair Leishman 1934 Borrow Dec 30, 1935 -
George Bernard Shaw G. K. Chesterton 1909 Borrow Jan 9, 1936 -
Swift: or, The Egotist Mario Rossi; Joseph M. Hone 1934 Borrow Dec 7, 1936 -
Alexander Pope Leslie Stephen 1880 Borrow Jan 25, 1937 Feb 22, 1937
Alexander Pope Edith Sitwell 1930 Borrow Feb 22, 1937 Mar 15, 1937
Sir Fulke Greville's Life of Sir Philip Sidney Fulke Greville 1652 Borrow Feb 22, 1937 Mar 15, 1937
Sir Philip Sidney John Addington Symonds 1894 Borrow Mar 15, 1937 Apr 29, 1937
The Psychology of the Poet Shelley Edward Carpenter; Guy Christian Barnard / George Barnefield (pseudonym) 1925 Borrow Mar 15, 1937 Apr 29, 1937
Selected Poems of Percy Bysshe Shelley Percy Bysshe Shelley 1907 Borrow Mar 15, 1937 Apr 29, 1937
H. G. Wells: A Sketch for a Portrait Geoffrey Wells / Geoffrey West (pseudonym) 1930 Borrow Apr 29, 1937 May 18, 1937
H. G. Wells Ivor Brown 1923 Borrow May 21, 1937 Jun 8, 1937
Joseph Conrad Hugh Walpole 1916 Borrow May 21, 1937 Jun 8, 1937