Title Author Publication Date Activity Start Date End Date
no. 18, 1929
- - Borrow Dec 31, 1950 -
Boy James Hanley 1931 Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 25, 1953
Uncle Arthur and Other Stories John Pudney 1939 Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
The Map of Love Dylan Thomas 1939 Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters - - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Vol. 25, no. 33, May 1940
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Vol. 23, Dec 1939
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Vol. 25, no. 33, May 1940
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Oct 1938
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Jan 1949
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Spring 1947
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Vol. 14, no. 3, Spring 1936
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters
Vol. 16, no. 7, Spring 1937
Life and Letters To-Day
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Life and Letters - - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953
Contemporary Poetry and Prose
no. 1, May, 1936
- - Borrow Dec 22, 1952 Nov 26, 1953